Why must it be so hard just to live? I know life pushes and grows us but sometimes it seems so hard to break through the surface of the crap and enjoy it. It's even harder when someone you love is in pain and you can't help them or make the right decisions for them, or even know what the right decisions look like.
One of the closest people in my life, one of my soul mates, is being assaulted by a a guy at work. She is in a situation that doesn't seem like it has an out- or at least one that doesn't result in him coming after her and hurting her for revenge. It has gotten to the point that it has been affecting her daily life. She sometimes gets super depressed and in that depression thinks about contemplating suicide. Can you imagine how it feels to have someone you care for come and tell you that they would rather die than see tomorrow? A real reality check! Fortunately these are just thoughts and not actions but still... Now she wants to do her best to get away for a little while, which is good except that you shouldn't have to run away from you life to feel safe. No one should have to go through that.
Options at this point aren't that easy she feels, considering that this guy is a super higher up in the company so if she even wanted anything to happen legally they would more likely sweep it under the rug and she would lose her job. I really wish she would quit cause this job isn't worth your life or value as a person. I wish she would see that God has so much for her- I see it all the time. If she knew how much she was loved and how he would lend her strength and take care of her if she wanted. And while I'm there for her always, I can't live her life for her. I can only suggest things for her and show her God's love and pray.
Even though I know my God will come in and save the day, even when it seems like the darkest hour, I still hate feeling so helpless. Prayers for strength, and guidance are always welcome.
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