The day has finally come to gear up for my mission...or summer project as you could call it. What is it? Well honestly I can't really tell you- otherwise it might have to hurt someone lol. But with any faith i should say rather than luck you will see the fruit of the project by the end of the summer. I'm Feeling like God has given me the green light on some stuff. I'm excited but at the same time I'm not sure how to go about things. Its the whole walking by faith and not by sight concept. Its like when the Israelites were entering the promise land- God told them that He would deliver their enemies into their hands( Deut 7).Yay, right? Of course but the thing is they still had to go out and fight! They still had to do some work and then God would deliver them into their hands. But if you read on in the Book of Joshua they were filled with all sorts of unbelief and fear- they felt that their enemies were too numerous and they couldn't defeat them. God told them not to fear and that He would be with them and they would win if they had Faith (Joshua 14:8-9,14). That's my boat.
I'm learning to be bold, to walk in faith, and fight for my promises even when no one else really believes you or thinks you are crazy. Joshua and Caleb believed God wholeheartedly and were only 2 guys- the rest of the Israelites wanted to stone them and didn't believe them. Paul went to preach the Gospel and many of the disciples didn't believe him since he used to be the murder of many Christians- well , he went out and preached anyway as one man. It inspires me to complete my task and to go out as just 1 girl. We will see what happens even as I find that my mission may not be what i even thought or expected. Its going to be fun, its going to be scary and hopefully full of wonderful things to come.
cryptic? I know- but i guess its for me to know and you to wait and watch for :)
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