Thursday, June 4, 2009

Beautiful Girl, Beautiful Heart

What a wonderful age we live in! An age where relationships have been reduced to text messages and emails. Where a man is defined by the number of women he sleeps with and a woman by the size of her breasts. Where marriage is like dating and sex is like shaking hands. An age where people are constantly running the race, striving to be good enough when in the end they will NEVER reach the goal... And yet it there is always hope for what tomorrow holds.

Our hearts are constantly being bombarded with images, thoughts, and suggestions while it is slowly being chipped away and turned into a cheapened tinker toy. But I will not rant on how we need to rebel against the media and the current standard, for those are all tales we have heard before. Instead, through all the muddle and confusion on what makes us who we are, I opt to love who I am now and who I will become. Often times it feels like there are  2 people inside of me- The first is the person who experiences the world. The second is the person who experiences God's love and has to convince the first to keep moving forward. If the second wrote a letter to the first I think it would look like this.

Dear Beautiful Girl,
Did you know that's what you are? Beautiful and utterly radiant. Why are you always comparing yourself to others when you have so much inside of yourself? You couldn't possibly imagine all I see in you. You feel like you don't measure up but to who's standard are you looking to? If it's not God then you know you are looking in the wrong place. Everyday you look to what you aren't but when do you look to what you are? 
You are the dancer of stages and kitchen floors. You are the violinist of concerts and bedroom walls. The singer of halls and showers. The writer of prose and essays. You are the one who tries her best when she feels like a fool and the one who tries to see the best in a broken world. You find beauty in the faces of children and the poor. You fall in love with purpose. You hope for the best and try not to hold back. You are a daughter, a  sister, a friend and a lover. And though all those these are true, its only the tip of the ice berg. So stop focusing on who you aught to be and realize who you are going to be and enjoy the journey as it unfolds.

The Holy Spirit

I think more people need to listen to the second inside of them.

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