OK OK... I'll stop talking all wordy and be real. Sometimes you just get into those moods to be all wax poetic ya know?
Anyway, So I have been trying to figure out what God is doing in my life these past few months. My family has come to Christ, I've moved out...went to Catalina and BROKE my ARM! But all the while I finished the semester with really good grades and God has been providing left and right. It really has been amazing seeing how I have no job, no money and feel like I'm just taking up wasted space. So I have been spending more time with God, my friends and family, but while all that stuff is great it leaves ALOT of time to think about life. What I want to do, who I want to be, Am I being a good friend?, Am I being a good servant? Am I strongly infatuated or by some twist of fate have I actually fallen in love? And lastly, if God has been talking about how many blessings are going to come my way as I have been spending time with Him...then why is it I don't see them?
Often times I feel people need to find the blessings with the small things in life- you have clothes, food, a roof over your head and air in your lungs, therefore you are OK. But I'm starting to think that is for an uncontent mindset. I mean I serve a BIG God who can do anything! One of the coolest quotes I heard from Joyce Meyer was that, " The only thing in this world that is constant is God, everything else is subject to change" I thought that was amazing. Situations that we think are hopeless, people we think will never change, dreams that we never thought we could see come to pass can with God. Granted that doesn't mean we get our way all the time but it does mean that there is room for Hopes and Desires when you bring them before Him.
So many times I forget how much God loves us and put Him into the "cruel" category. But even though I may not know what is happening in my life, God is anything but cruel. He doesn't take your longings and dangle them in front of you and just when you think you have them...sike!..and pulls the rug from under your feet. They are just as precious to Him as they are to us because they are apart of who we are and He loves us, Cherishes us, Wants US!
Anyway I think my point is that because of God's love for us, who are we to limit what He can do in our lives or who things are being taken care of. I think that is the biggest blessing of all. And though I may not have all the answers to the questions in my head, I have a feeling that this summer will turn out hold a great discovery to what I am seeking.
In the wise words of the emperor from Mulan,"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
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