2010 Rang in with a bang for me with new goals and adventures that waited just around the corner. I recently got hired at the site where I last did my practicum and by the sheer grace of God I was able to gain a working position doing most of what I love. Little did I know that all the time I was hustling and trying to scrap the the streets for a job, the Lord was using my circumstances in order to create a position for me there. I now have the foot in the door in my field and my hope is that the only place I can go from here is up- becoming a actual case manager.
This semester I'm going to FINALLY be graduating!! Thank goodness....after taking a semester off and switching my major. But though I will be getting my diploma, a students work is never done because I will be turning in my applications for grad school- headed straight for the Masters program. And if im lucky i might get into the advanced standing program where I only have to do 42 credits instead of 60. woot!
I will be getting my license- both the driving license ( Hey my mom doesn't have her's so I'm good!!) and my License to practice social work here in Nevada. But I'm freaking out cause you only get to take the test twice aftet that you can only take if you get another degree :( And for the most part people only pass with like a 75% so its kind of a big, flippin deal.
And to top it all off my church has been doing a 21 day fast in which God has been talking to me in some crazy ways. Now when it comes to fasting, I'm usually very private about what and when I do. I also don't talk about it unless I feel led to because I truely feel a fast is to be between yourself and God; a private time of cosecration to hear from one another. Now I'm not holier than holy or none of that cause to be honest- fasting is the hardest thing for me to do cause I hate giving anything up even if its for the Lord sadly, but this time that we have spent together has been really good. And most of my time I spent praying for more people than myself- which is good, but not what i had in mind.
Just looking back from the last time I wrote anything in the blog I see how God has worked in me. And I just want to say for anyone who has put up with glancing at this blog- Man I was a drama queen and sorry you had to deal with it!! Don't get me wrong cause the best way to see where you are going is to look where you have been, but at the same time you have to laugh at yourself along the way in order to grow. And boy was I on one. Lately God has just been showing me that He is faithful many times over and that I'm ok- so I need to stop trippin. I may not have everything that I want but I'm right where I need to be and have all that I need. I have been learning to let somethings go and to let God handle the rest. And I know for certain that he will do just that. I have also learned that our God is just hilarious and will pull some crazy stuff.
So from now on, I'm revamping this blog and moving forward. I hope to add more joy to this page and just be myself. When you start living for others or some ideal of who you want to be rather than who you are- life sucks. So throw it a tootsie pop and tell it to suck on that!
*FYI: When you go to the bathroom you are supposed to wash your hands for more that 5 secs- WITH SOAP- otherwise you're just NASTY!
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