Saturday, September 12, 2009

Watch me Work!

It takes a lot of strength to face your fears. Especially if it is fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of stepping out of anything that you find familiar and safe. But I think in life it is sometimes necessary for growth. I talk about this all the time- and yet it always seems like I sit on my words. I hope this time will not just be talk but will be the catalyst for a new reaction.

God is doing some rebuilding in my life, He is restoring what was destroyed and making things better than they were before. As He is doing all of this, it is not my job just to sit here and do nothing- no He has told me to be strong and work! Not just like working at a job or anything but I think work in the rebuilding and the sooner I get with the program the sooner we can move from point A to point B.

Honestly I'm not sure what this work looks like and I think that's half of the discovery process. And as goal oriented as I am I can't say that by any certain date will I know when the rebuilding will be done. All I know is that I am at a point where I am tired of hearing the call to work and I'm honestly not doing anything. Then I go and complain about things and well...maybe if I got a move on things honestly wouldn't be so bad as I think they are or at least I would have something different to look forward too.

So that is my goal- to work and help rebuild what was broken inside of me and not be disobedient by doing nothing for all this time.

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