This summer thus far has been amazing. On one hand it feels like God has been pushing me and challenging me to go beyond the boundaries i made for myself. Somehow and some way He has been providing for everything left and right. Its truly been s great blessing. On the other hand it feels like suffering like someone is forcing you to stretch beyond what you can take, Its been good but its been really hard.
I've been but it a position where I have had to face the fact that my life is changing. I knew this before the semester ended but i still think that I had no idea to what magnitude it would go. So many chapters are closing. But its at times like this when we should stop staring at the door of our past that is behind us and look to the open door that's in front. The opportunities that await if we would just take the chance.
I mourn the friendships that may disintegrate. I'll miss so many things and experiences that have made my life so full these past couple years. It hurts to let go.
I don't like change. I can't stand it cause I like for things to be the way they were (unless its social change however). Consistency is safe and doesn't cause pain. But without change there isn't any growth. Without change you can't move forward. Without change you may never know who you were meant to be.
So at the beginning of my last undergrad year that is ever pressing before me, I will walk through the door of change without any regrets, many fears and many dreams wondering what to do next with only the Lord as a guide.
The adventure continues!
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